Table of Contents



Game Turn

  1. Remove characters
    1. Draw 1 character and place facedown
    2. Draw a number of characters and place face up
      • 4 players = 2 cards
      • 5 players = 1 card
      • 6-7 players = no cards
  2. Choose characters
    1. Each character, starting with crown holder, takes 1 character card
  3. Player turns
    1. In order of role reveal your character and play turn
      • You can use your character's special ability once per turn
    2. Take an action which is either:
      • Take 2 gold from the bank
      • Draw 2 district cards, choose 1 discard the other
    3. Build a district card


Role Order

  1. Assassin
  2. Thief
  3. Magician
  4. King
  5. Bishop
  6. Merchant
  7. Architect
  8. Warlord

Bonus Role Order

  1. Witch
  2. Tax Collector
  3. Wizard
  4. Emperor
  5. Abbot
  6. Alchemist
  7. Navigator
  8. Diplomat
  9. Artist
  10. Queen


Game End