Table of Contents
Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War
Game Turn
Game End
Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War
2 players
Choose sides
Shuffle your opponents movement pieces and place them in the spy pieces
Make sure the non-promoted side faces out
Place your opponents pieces on the board. Use the following layout:
Briefcase goes in the middle of the board
Random player starts
Game Turn
Announce a move
Your opponent responds with a “yes” or “no” depending if the move is valid or not
If you control the briefcase that piece can:
move and leave briefcase behind
move and carry the briefcase with it
move the briefcase instead of the spy
Each turn before moving you can either:
attempt to eliminate your double agent
attempt to eliminate your opponents double agent
Move the briefcase to the opponent's side of the board
Game End
When the briefcase reaches one of the sides