Table of Contents

Cosmic Encounter


Game Turn

  1. Start Turn
    • If you have no Encounter cards, reveal current hand, discard & draw 8 new cards
  2. Regroup
    • Take 1 ship from the warp, place on any colony
  3. Destiny
    • Draw 1 card
    • If 1 card left, shuffle final card together with discards for a new deck
    • Barring special abilities, there is no way to attack a player's colony when it's located in a third player's home system.
    • You can attack a planet with no ships; they defend at 0
  4. Launch
    • Offense places 1 to 4 ships in the hyperspace gate
      • You can take ships from any of your colonies
  5. Alliance
    1. Offense invites
    2. Defense invites
    3. Starting with player to the left of the offense, accept or decline ally and place ships
  6. Planning
    • If defense has no encounter cards, reveal remaining cards, discard & draw 8 new cards
    • If offense has no encounter cards, their turn ends immediately
    • Both offense and defense selects 1 encounter card
  7. Reveal
    1. Reveal encounter cards
    2. Offense, defense & allies can play reinforcement cards
  8. Resolution
    • Encounter outcomes:
      • Attack vs Attack
        • Total all ships + encounter card + reinforcement cards
        • Higher total wins, ties go to defense
      • Attack vs Negotiate
        • Attack player wins, negotiate player loses
        • Main negotiate player collects compensation, 1 card per ship lost
      • Negotiate vs Negotiate
        • Main players must make a deal within 60 seconds
        • The deal can consist of:
          • Trade cards (from hand)
          • Establish 1 colony (with ships NOT in the warp)
        • Allies are never part of the deal
        • Failure to come to an agreement means both main players lose 3 ships to the warp
        • NOTE: See rules about offense ships returning to colonies from the hyperspace gate. Not sure what it means yet.
      • Morph
        • The Morph card becomes the exact duplicate of the opponent's encounter card when revealed
    • Encounter effects:
      • Offense wins
        • All offense & offense allies place their ships on the planet, establishing colonies
        • All defense & defense allies place their ships on the warp
        • Offense can have a 2nd encounter
      • Defense wins
        • Main defense ships stay on planet
        • Defense allies return to any of their colonies
        • Defense allies get rewards for the number of ships they committed; either:
          • take ship(s) from the warp OR
          • take a card
        • All offense ships & offense allies go to the warp
        • Offense can not have a 2nd encounter


Game End