Table of Contents

Eminent Domain


Game Turn

  1. Action Phase (optional)
    • Play 1 card from hand and resolve the Action effect
    • Actions cannot be Boosted or Followed
    • Played card goes into discard pile
  2. Role Phase (mandatory)
    • Current player of turn is the leader
      • Choose to Lead a role card from the central display
      • You may Boost the chosen role with matching symbols
      • Resolve role effect including the leader bonus
    • Other players can choose to Follow or Dissent
      • Follow - Player cards matching chosen role and execute the role effect (not including the Leader bonus)
      • Dissent - Draw 1 card from the deck into the hand
  3. Cleanup Phase (mandatory)
    1. All played cards (except colonies) go into the discard pile
    2. Discard as many cards as you like
    3. Draw or discard cards until you reach your hand limit (default 5)
    • Cleanup Phase only on your turn, not an opponents
    • When you need to draw a card and your deck is empty, shuffle the discards to create a new deck


Game End