Table of Contents

Hail Hydra


Game Turn

  1. (skip on first turn) Pass first player token to the left.
    • Player with token discards (face down) ALL attack cards and draws 6 new ones
    • All other players draw 1 attack card
  2. Player with token plays 1-3 attack cards face down in front of them. Continue in order with all other players (that are NOT knocked out). You MUST play a card.
  3. Collect attack cards, shuffle, reveal
    • If positive, deal that damage to the villain.
    • If negative:
      • 0 to -10, nothing happens
      • Below -10, damage city by 1 (this is not the villain's attack)
  4. If the villain is still alive, perform the villain's attack.
  5. Discard attack cards face down, repeat these steps if villain is not defeated

If a villain is defeated

Being knocked out

Declaring Hydra


Game End