Table of Contents



Game Turn

  1. Campaign Start
    1. Six days of looting
      • These steps should be followed 6 times
      1. Phase 1: Sunrise
        1. Each player chooses a character simultaneously and places it face down
        2. Everyone flips over their cards and orders them from smallest to largest rank
          • Ties are broken by the influence number
      2. Phase 2: Day
        1. In increasing order of rank (smallest to largest) each player will resolve the “day” special action of the character played
      3. Phase 3: Dusk
        1. In decreasing order of rank (largest to smallest) each player will choose 1 booty token from the current day's space below the ship and place it in their den face down
        2. At the same time, any “dusk” special actions are resolved
        3. If a player selects a Spanish Officer or a Saber they must immediately resolve their effect
        4. The player's character card is placed face up in the players den
        5. Any booty tokens left on the board stay there until the end of the campaign
      4. Phase 4: Night
        1. Use the “night” special action of every character in each player's den
    2. Scoring Phase: The Day of Rest
      1. Use the “end of campaign” special actions of every character in each player's den
      2. Move the score token equal to the number of doubloons each player gets


Game End