Play influence cards to gain control of the gangsters.
Starting with the capo ring player and proceeding clockwise, each player MUST perform one of the following actions:
Play an influence card to place the number of indicated influence tokens on the specified gangster and then perform any effects stated on the card.
Play an influence card with the “OR” keyword to perform ONLY the special action.
Play an influence card to place 1 influence token on any gangster
Pass and do not play an influence card. Once you pass you may not take any actions during this commission phase.
All played cards are discarded immediately once they have been resolved.
The phase is complete when everyone passes.
Placing Influence
You MUST place ALL of the influence tokens listed on the card.
You cannot split influence between multiple gangsters unless specifically stated.
You may play influence on associates.
If you have no cards that allow you to play influence you must pass.
Each player only has 25 influence tokens.
Influence is placed before card effects take place.
Controlling the Capo
Second Round of Playing Cards & the Ante
After everyone has played once players may choose to ante.
When playing an influence card the player may choose to additionally pay any amount to the bank. This amount becomes the ante.
Any subsequent player that wishes to play to play an influence card must also pay money to thank bank equal or greater than the current ante.
Players that cannot pay must pass
If a player increases the amount that amount becomes the new ante.
Play During the Crew Phase