Table of Contents

Nothing Personal


Setup - Initial Influence

  1. Starting with the Capo, each player places 1 influence tokens on any gangster on the board.
  2. Repeat twice so that each player has 3 influence tokens on the board.

#* Whoever gains control of the capo gangster immediately takes the capo ring.

Game Turn

PHASE 1: The Commission

Play influence cards to gain control of the gangsters.

Starting with the capo ring player and proceeding clockwise, each player MUST perform one of the following actions:

All played cards are discarded immediately once they have been resolved. The phase is complete when everyone passes.

Placing Influence

Controlling the Capo

Second Round of Playing Cards & the Ante

Play During the Crew Phase

PHASE 2: The Crew

Gain respect and money for controlled gangsters and then perform gangster/slot actions.

  1. Starting with the capo gangster and proceeding downward calculate respect and money gained/lost for each position. Only the controlling player gets the reward.
  2. Starting with the Third Guy and proceeding upward perform one action. Only the controlling player gets the reward. This maybe different then step 1. The actions are:
    • Use the special action for the position
    • Use the special action for the gangster
    • “Make a Move against another position
    • Pass

Gangster Control

Making a Move