Table of Contents
Shadows over Camelot
Game Turn
Game End
Shadows over Camelot
Base Game: 3-7 players
Merlin's Company: 3-8 players
Place game boards in middle
Quest for Lancelot face up
Place Excalibur, Lancelot's Armor & Holy Grail on respective quests
Each player gets:
Random Coat of Arms
Life points die
1 Merlin card
5 more White cards
Random Loyalty card (keep secret)
Merlin Expansion
Shuffle 16 travel cards to form the Travel Deck
Merlin figure next to Travel Deck
Add the 14 new black cards to the black deck
Add the 23 new white cards to the white deck
Game Turn
Progression of Evil. 1 of the 3 following actions:
Draw a black card
Add a siege engine to Camelot
Lose a life point
Heroic Actions. 1 of the 5 following actions:
Move to a new quest
Perform quest action
Play a special white card
Heal yourself
Accuse another Knight
If you sacrifice a life point you can take another different heroic action
Merlin Expansion
When moving to a new quest draw a travel card
Have 12 swords at Camelot with the majority of them white
You get swords from completing quests
Game End
Game is a loss if:
12 siege engines surround Camelot
7 or more black swords are on the round table
All loyal knights are dead
Game is won if:
12 (or more) swords are at the round table and the majority of them are white