Table of Contents
Viticulture: Essential Edition
Game Turn
Year End
Game End
Viticulture: Essential Edition
1-6 players
Each player takes (in their chosen color):
5x worker meeples
1x grande worker meeple
1x wake-up rooster meeple
1x victory point token (cork)
1x residual payment tracker tokens (bottle)
8x unique structure tokens
1x vineyard mat
3x field cards (£5, £6, £7)
1x random mama card and 1x random papa card - These determine starting cards and resources. (Mama and papa cards are only used for game setup)
Each player places:
Rooster above the wake-up chart
Cork token on the “start” points space.
Bottle token in the middle of the residual payment tracker
Field cards field side up on the vineyard mat
Shuffle green, yellow, purple and blue cards and place them on the board
Determine start player by randomly selecting a rooster token
Game Turn
The game is played through spring, summer, fall and winter.
Starting with first player, each player places their rooster on the wake-up chart
This determines player turn order for the year
Starting with the top player, each player does one of the following:
Place 1 worker on a summer space and then take that action
2 player game, only 1 action space. (see book)
Grande workers can be placed on full spaces. (Bonuses are awarded as well)
Pass, saving worker(s) for winter (cannot play workers that season)
Draw Vine Card - Draw one vine card. (Bonus: draw additional card)
Give a Tour - Gain £2. (Bonus: gain +£1)
Build Structures - Build 1 structure by paying the cost (Bonus: gain +£1)
Play Visitor Card - Play 1 summer visitor card and resolve it's effect (Bonus: play another card)
Sell Grapes - Sell 1 or more grape tokens from the crush pad. See board for value. (Bonus gain 1 point)
Alternatively you can sell an empty field or buy a new field.
Plant Vines - Plant 1 vine in an empty field, or stack on a previous vine.
A field cannot exceed it's max value (add up all vine values)
Vines stay planted for the game unless you use Yoke or a visitor card to Uproot.
Starting with top player, each player will draw either a summer or winter card.
Starting with top player, each player will place 1 worker on a winter space and take that action
Continue until all workers are used
Draw Wine Order Card - Draw 1 wine order card. (Bonus: Draw 1 more card)
Harvest Field - From 1 field, add grape tokens to crush pad based on yield (p14). (Bonus: harvest another field)
Play Visitor Card - Play 1 winter visitor card. (Bonus: Play 1 more card)
Make Wine Tokens - Turn 2 grapes on crush pad into wine. (p14/15) (Bonus: Make 1 more wine token)
Gain 1£ - This space is not limited to 1 worker.
Train a Worker - Pay £4 to hire a new worker (for next year).
Fill Wine Order - Fulfill criteria on wine order card and then discard it. (Bonus: Gain 1 point)
Year End
Age grape and wine tokens
Move grape and wine tokens up one
Return workers
Collect residual payments
Discard down to 7 cards
Remove rooster tokens (rotate first player token)
Most points win
Ties are broken by:
Most lira
Total value of wine in cellar
Total value of grapes on crush pad
Game End
Once someone reaches 20 victory points, the current year will be played through to the end