Table of Contents

Viticulture: Essential Edition


Game Turn

The game is played through spring, summer, fall and winter.



  1. Starting with the top player, each player does one of the following:
    • Place 1 worker on a summer space and then take that action
      • 2 player game, only 1 action space. (see book)
      • Grande workers can be placed on full spaces. (Bonuses are awarded as well)
    • Pass, saving worker(s) for winter (cannot play workers that season)
    • Actions:
      • Draw Vine Card - Draw one vine card. (Bonus: draw additional card)
      • Give a Tour - Gain £2. (Bonus: gain +£1)
      • Build Structures - Build 1 structure by paying the cost (Bonus: gain +£1)
      • Play Visitor Card - Play 1 summer visitor card and resolve it's effect (Bonus: play another card)
      • Sell Grapes - Sell 1 or more grape tokens from the crush pad. See board for value. (Bonus gain 1 point)
        • Alternatively you can sell an empty field or buy a new field.
      • Plant Vines - Plant 1 vine in an empty field, or stack on a previous vine.
        • A field cannot exceed it's max value (add up all vine values)
        • Vines stay planted for the game unless you use Yoke or a visitor card to Uproot.


  1. Starting with top player, each player will draw either a summer or winter card.


Year End


Game End