
  • 1-5 players


  • Each player picks a faction.
  • Place encounter tokens on the board.
  • Shuffle and place combat, encounter & objective cards on the board facedown.
  • Shuffle factory cards and select # of cards equal to # of players + 1 and place on the board facedown.
  • Randomly place 1 structure bonus tiles face up on the board.
  • Each player:
    • Selects a faction and pieces and a player board (random?).
    • Places their character on the home base and 1 worker on each of the land space adjacent to the home base (2 workers total).
    • Place technology cubes (6), workers (6), recruit tokens (4), and structures (4) on your player board.
    • Keep the player token handy.
    • Place star tokens (6) and mechs (4) on your faction mat.
    • Place the power token on the board matching the faction's power level.
    • Draw a number of combat cards displayed on the faction mat (keep secret).
    • Draw a number of objective cards displayed on the player mat (keep secret).
    • Place the popularity token on the board matching the player mat's popularity level.
    • Take coins equal to the value shown on the player mat.
    • Take a power dial.
    • Player with the lowest value on the player mat goes first.


  • Map is labeled with 1 of the 7 terrain types: villages, tundra, forest, lakes, farms, mountains. The 7th type is the factory in the middle of the board.
  • Units are unique character, mechs and workers.
    • Structures also control a territory as long as no enemies are in that space.
    • Units cannot move across rivers or into lakes unless they have or gain that ability.
    • Only mechs and the character can take part in combat.
    • If you have any unit in a territory, you control that territory and have access to the any resources on that territory.

Game Turn

  • Place your player token on one of the 3 sections of your player mat that it wasn't on previously. (Place on any section for the first turn).
  • Optionally perform the top action, paying the costs (red background) and gaining the benefit (green background). Ignore covered up slots.
  • Optionally perform the bottom action, paying the costs (red background) and gaining the benefit (green background). Ignore covered up slots.
  • You don't need to take all of the benefits.
  • If at any point during your turn you satisfy the conditions of an objective card, reveal it, place a star, and discard both objectives. You can only complete 1 objective during the game. You don't need to reveal the object card right away but the conditions must still be met in the future to reveal it.


  • Move / Gain
    • Either move up to 2 units 1 space or gain money (changes after technology cube is moved).
    • Units cannot move across rivers or into lakes unless they have or gain that ability.
    • Units can bring any number of resources along with them.
    • Mechs can bring any number of resources and/or workers with them (not the character).
    • You cannot enter your or any other home base as a move action.
    • Tunnels are connected and considered adjacent.
    • Any number of resources/units/structures can be in a single territory.
    • Workers cannot move (by themselves) into territories that have opponent units. They can move into territories with opponent structures and then gain control of that territory.
    • If a mech or characters moves into a territory with opponent workers they must stop and at the end of the turn the workers flee to their home base. You lose 1 popularity for each worker that flees.
    • A mech can carry workers into a space with enemy units.
    • Control of a territory stays until after combat.
    • Combat is resolved only after all moves are done. Attacker determines territory combat order.
    • If a character enters a territory with an encounter token it stops and after any combat, discards the token and draws an encounter card resolving it.
    • If a character is on the factory for the first time and after any combat, secretly take 1 factory card.
  • Bolster
    • Pay 1 coin and increase power or draw combat cards.
  • Trade
    • Pay 1 coin and increase popularity or take any 2 resources and place them on a territory with one of your workers.
  • Produce
    • Pay the cost (free for first turn) and then choose up to 2 different territories you control and all workers produce 1 resource of the type shown on the territory.
    • Villages produce new workers per worker producing on that territory. Place new workers on that territory.
  • Upgrade
    • Pay the cost and move a technology cube from the top row actions to a dashed line spot on the bottom row actions. Also gain 1 coin.
    • Deploy
      • Pay the cost and take 1 mech and place it on a territory with at least 1 of your workers. (Not lakes).
      • All deployed mechs and your character gain the ability revealed on the faction mat.
    • Build
      • Pay the cost and choose 1 structure to place on a territory with at least 1 worker on it.
      • Cannot build on lakes, home spaces, or a territory with another structure (yours or another players).
      • Reveals an additional benefit on the player mat.
      • Your tunnels can only be used by you.
      • When choosing Produce the mill acts as an additional territory to produce with and produces as if it's a worker along with any other workers you have there.
      • Structures control a territory as long as no enemy units are there. You don't lose the benefit of the structure though.
      • Structures give bonuses at the end of the game depending on the bonus structure card.
    • Enlist
      • Pay the cost and place 1 round recruit token on one of the bonus space on the faction mat and gain the benefit.
      • It reveals a bonus benefit that is gained when you or a player on your left or right takes the same bottom row action.
      • Recruit benefit order is: active player, player to the left, player to the right.
      • If a 6th star is place the game ends immediately before other recruit benefits are received.
      • The active player can finish their bottom row action before any stars are placed.


  • Take the combat wheel and secretly select how many power points to spend. (Points are always spent)
  • Play # of combat cards from their hand equal to number of character + mechs they have on that territory. They are placed secretly under their power dial.
  • Reveal cards/dials and highest amount wins with ties going to the attacker.
  • Combat cards are discarded face up.
  • Winner of the battle places one of their stars on the combat star spaces. Only 2 available.
  • Loser retreats all units back to the home base.
  • If attacker wins, he loses 1 popularity for each worker caused to retreat. If defender wins, popularity is not lost.
  • If the loser had revealed at least 1 power (card or dial) they draw another combat card.
  • If a star is gained during a combat, other combats are cancelled and units go back to where they moved from.


  • Once all 6 stars are place by a single player, be the player with the most money.
  • Stars:
    • Place all 6 upgrades (technology cubes).
    • Build all 4 mechs.
    • Build all 4 structures.
    • Place all 8 workers.
    • Complete 1 objective.
    • For winning 2 different combats.
    • For reaching 18 on the popularity track.
    • For reaching 16 on the power track.
  • Scoring
    • Money you currently own
    • Look up the coin value depending where you are on the popularity track and get that many coins times the number of stars you placed.
    • Using the popularity coin value you get that many coins per territory you currently control.
      • The factory counts as 3 separate territories when counting this.
    • Total all the resources you currently have control over and divide it by 2, rounding down. Multiple that by popularity coin value.
    • Gain any coins from the structure bonus card.
  • Most coins win.
    • Ties go to who has the most workers, mechs & structures in play, then to the greatest power level, then greatest popularity, most resources controlled, most territories controlled, and finally the most number of stars placed.

Game End

  • The game ends as soon as someone places their 6th star.