Table of Contents
Eminent Domain
- Each player gets the following cards in their decks:
- 1 Politics
- 1 Warfare
- 2 Colonize
- 2 Research
- 2 Survey
- 2 Produce/Trade
- Each player also gets:
- 1 random Start Planet, facedown
- 1 random Player Aid tile (also to determine start player)
- Remove unused Politics cards from the game
- Place the Role cards on the 5 stacks
- Shuffle Planet cards and place facedown
- Set aside the 8 blue influence tokens
- Separate Technology cards into:
- Fertile
- Advanced
- Metallic
- Each player draws 5 cards from their deck into their hand
Game Turn
- Action Phase (optional)
- Play 1 card from hand and resolve the Action effect
- Actions cannot be Boosted or Followed
- Played card goes into discard pile
- Role Phase (mandatory)
- Current player of turn is the leader
- Choose to Lead a role card from the central display
- You may Boost the chosen role with matching symbols
- Resolve role effect including the leader bonus
- Other players can choose to Follow or Dissent
- Follow - Player cards matching chosen role and execute the role effect (not including the Leader bonus)
- Dissent - Draw 1 card from the deck into the hand
- Cleanup Phase (mandatory)
- All played cards (except colonies) go into the discard pile
- Discard as many cards as you like
- Draw or discard cards until you reach your hand limit (default 5)
- Cleanup Phase only on your turn, not an opponents
- When you need to draw a card and your deck is empty, shuffle the discards to create a new deck
- Most number of influence points wins
- Influence points from:
- Influence tokens
- Technology cards
- Face up planets
Game End
- When either the black influence supply is depleted OR a set number of Role card stacks are depleted
- 2 players - 1 stack
- 3 players - 1 stack
- 3 players extended - 2 stacks
- 4 players - 2 stacks
- Continue play until all players get an equal number of turns