Table of Contents
Isle of Night
- Choose 1 island card.
- Shuffle score cards and randomly place them as shown on the island card, lock side face down.
- Shuffle other cards into an explore deck.
Game Turn
Turns continue clockwise until the game end is triggered.
- Draw 3 cards from the explore deck and place them face up.
- Choose 1 type of card to claim and take all cards of that type (except cursed rings, location cards are unique types). Claimed cards go face up in front of you.
- Follow the instructions on the card.
- Score points for sets indicated on score cards. Scores per set are listed on the island card.
- Whoever has the most Magic symbols at the end of the game gains 5 or 6 (shown on island card) points.
Game End
- The game ends immediately once Lanterns, 3 plus the numbers of players, have been claimed.