Table of Contents
- Each player picks a random color and takes:
- The den
- Score token
- 30 character cards
- 10 doubloons (1 of 5 and 5 of 1)
- Score markers start at 0
- Draw 1 booty token per player per day and place on 6 ship squares
- 2 players = 12 tokens (2 per square)
- 3 players = 18 tokens (3 per square)
- 4 players = 24 tokens (4 per square)
- 5 players = 30 tokens (5 per square)
- 6 players = 36 tokens (6 per square)
- 1 player draws 9 cards randomly and reads out each rank number
- The other players select those same cards from their decks
Game Turn
- 3 campaigns are played through
- Campaign Start
- Six days of looting
- These steps should be followed 6 times
- Phase 1: Sunrise
- Each player chooses a character simultaneously and places it face down
- Everyone flips over their cards and orders them from smallest to largest rank
- Ties are broken by the influence number
- Phase 2: Day
- In increasing order of rank (smallest to largest) each player will resolve the “day” special action of the character played
- Phase 3: Dusk
- In decreasing order of rank (largest to smallest) each player will choose 1 booty token from the current day's space below the ship and place it in their den face down
- At the same time, any “dusk” special actions are resolved
- If a player selects a Spanish Officer or a Saber they must immediately resolve their effect
- The player's character card is placed face up in the players den
- Any booty tokens left on the board stay there until the end of the campaign
- Phase 4: Night
- Use the “night” special action of every character in each player's den
- Scoring Phase: The Day of Rest
- Use the “end of campaign” special actions of every character in each player's den
- Move the score token equal to the number of doubloons each player gets
- Most number of points win
- Points from:
- Booty collected
Game End
- After the third campaign is scored